Compression Shirts For Men with Gynecomastia


Gynecomastia or compression shirts are well-suited to the sufferers of breast enlargement in males and want a quick solution. The shirts are used not only to camouflage the enlarged breasts in males but are also used by men to get a feel of how their profile would appear without the abnormal breast growth.

In recent times, gynecomastia shirts have grown in popularity owing to the massive number of the male population suffering from gynecomastia. Gynecomastia refers to an abnormal or excessive development of breasts in males. The feminization of male breasts is a rapidly growing problem and the reasons for its prevalence are vast and many. The recent stats indicate that an alarming 57% of the adult male population in the US suffers from gynecomastia.



Relatively Inexpensive

Compression shirts for men with gynecomastia are by far the cheapest and fastest way of disguising gynecomastia or man boobs. Simply put the shirt on and take a look in the mirror – you'll see an immediate difference.

No Special Planning Required

Unlike gynecomastia pills or invasive gynecomastia surgery, there are no dietary restrictions, special preparations or time off work involved. Surgery is expensive and gynecomastia pills need regular exercise and healthy eating alongside them for maximum effectiveness.


Compressions shirts are an ideal alternative when you need to disguise man boobs fast and cannot wait weeks of months to see results. For example, if you have a party in the next few days and you're a bit concerned about your saggy chest, compression shirts for men with gynecomastia are your only option.


Not a Cure

Compression shirts for men with gynecomastia are not a cure. They do no aid any permanent physical change to the chest area. They only help you to suppress or hide them from the onlooker.

Not Ideal for Certain Environments

Compression clothing is not suited for places where you would want to take your shirts off like at the beach or in the pool. On such occasions a man with a compression shirt will only draw eyes and get the opposite of what was intended.

Lose Effectiveness Over Time

The elasticity of the shirts naturally degrades over time – so they will need to be replaced from time to time to ensure the level of compression is similar to when you first bought the shirt. Usually they last around 2 years. We'd recommend buying multiple shirts so you have them to wear throughout the week if needed.

Gynecomastia or compression shirts offer a temporary but instant relief from the problem. The shirts help to camouflage the condition of enlarged breasts.

The compression shirts can be effectively employed to hide both gynecomastia and pseudogynecomastia because the apparent symptoms of both the conditions are indistinguishable from each other. The gynecomastia shirts are also used pre-gynecomastia surgery so as to ascertain the post-effects of the surgery on the appearance of the male chest.

Other Advantages

Being the cheapest and the fastest solution to gynecomastia, compression shirts are hugely popular among the victims of this disease. They forgo the necessity of workout and dieting required with the use of gynecomastia pills. Unlike gynecomastia surgery, there is no pain involved. They are a handy option to cover up your sagging chest if you have a formal event drawing close and are pressed for time.

Other Disadvantages

The compression shirts cannot be considered a treatment in the strictest sense owing to the fact they only help to hide the problem and do nothing about its permanent cure. The effect is gone soon as you take off the shirt.

In fact, long-term use of gynecomastia shirts is not recommended. Instead, it is much better to go for a permanent solution.

Should You Get a Gynecomastia Shirt?

Gynecomastia shirts serve you best when they are used for a quick effect when you you need an immediate fix e.g. dressing for an event or a night out, and want to save yourself from embarrassment or wish to boost your confidence. Compression shirts can radically redefine your body shape.

Where To Buy Compression Clothing for Gynecomastia

The big sportswear brands like Nike and Under Armor have joined the throngs of other comapnies in the market to offer compression shirts for victims of gynecomastia. As opposed to small businesses, these established brands have to live up to the name of their label and thus their gynecomastia shirts ensure quality and effectiveness. As usual Amazon is your best starting point to start browsing.

Gynecomastia Pills / Tablets

If you are looking for a more permanent solution to get rid of male breast enlargement like gynecomastia or pseudogynecomastia (chest fat), then it might be worth a look at breast reduction pills. They are slightly more expensive when compared to the compression shirts option but case studies showthey can reduce gynecomastia in a matter of months for 90% of users. Take a look at our dedicated breast reduction pills page and read up on it.

Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery is of course the most expensive treatment option for gynecomastia. When done by an experienced surgeon who specialise in the procedure, you will get rid of gynecomastia permanently. Surgery is a very important and life changing process and you should always make an informed decision. A dedicated section on gynecomastia surgery is available here for more info.

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